1and1's Managed Server sucks!

Why I said so? Because you're not given with a root access on the server.
There are many providers out there that focus on managed service, yet they give the customer with a root access. I mean, you are leasing the server from them. You're the one who's paying it monthly or so, then why can't you access fully? Why are you given with a limited user account?

Uhm, or maybe the customer is not given with root access because they are not using a physical server for it? Perhaps they're using a VM like Xen for that? Whatever!

A true managed service must offer the following:
  • root access for the customer
  • monitoring of the server (I know this is common, they have this)
  • monitoring of the services on the server
  • monitoring of the server's hardware resources
  • bandwidth monitoring and graphing
  • disk IO monitoring and graphing
  • mysql monitoring and graphing
  • httpd monitoring and graphing
  • regular security audit
  • vulnerability assessment
  • DDOS protection
  • highly designed firewall
  • and of course, great technical support!
The only thing that's there with the Managed Server of 1and1 is the monitoring of the server.
If you're looking for a Managed Server, there's Rackspace (expensive? sure they are), Liquid Web, Softlayer,Layered Tech and some smaller players like WebNX, Quadra Net and many others.

I would say avoid 1and1's Managed Server.

1 comment:

  1. I am not agree with this post. Root access is only required when you have to do server level modifications. Install/Update server level applications. On managed vps hosting server level activities are managed by providers. Just think a person is having root access to his managed vps and he keep installing/Updating applications by his own will, which may cause multiple issues like slowness/corruption/security then providers can manage his vps ? still thy have to keep checking why services went down? why it is slow ? why there are security issues. This is just a reason I think in managed vps hosting root passwords are not given to the customers and there are many good providers who do not provide root passwords to clients in managed vps hosting.

    Shakir Ali
